
It All Starts With Our Clients...

It starts with a commitment to serving the client. Because the team at Southern Cottage earns much of its business by referral, creating a relationship of trust and confidence is crucial. When clients and builders are able to communicate more effectively you can make informed decisions and have realistic expectations of what is to come.


Conservative Leadership​
  • Southern Cottage is navigated from a vantage point of diverse corporate successes and entrepreneurial ventures that bring distinct advantages over a traditional homebuilding business.

  • Creative designs, energy efficiency, quality materials and workmanship with sound business strategy and accountability sets us apart from the average.

Financially Capable​
  • Southern Cottage Corporation has navigated responsibly and successfully through recent years of severe economic instability. Long-standing relationships with local and national financial institutions remain as strong as ever.

  • Sound fiscal strategy in our business is inherent and part of the value proposition we proudly offer our clients.

  • Because of the skills we have learned, and continue to refine we consistently out-perform the market.

  • Over the years Southern Cottage Corp. has received many prestigious awards and has been a recognized leader in the building industry.

  • 2015 - This year Southern Cottage won 4 different divisions in the Best of the Lake Competition! Not only that, we won the top award of "Best in Show"!